Daliworks Exhibits at IOT Week Korea 2018

Daliworks Exhibits at IOT Week Korea 2018

Daliworks, Seoul, September. 17, 2018 

Last week, Daliworks presented Thing+ to exhibition attendees at IOT Week Korea 2018. Demonstrations of the platform in use were available, as well as specific examples of partner ecosystem hardware being deployed towards solutions in four distinct verticals. These verticals were:

  • Smart Factory – where environmental sensor data, as well as direct PLC connectivity for control and automation of factory systems was shownSmart Factory
  • EMS (Energy Management System) – here, an example showcasing the monitoring of voltage, current and power consumption was shown, along with an example application of voltage monitoring via Machine Learning-derived algorithmsSmart Energy
  • Smart Agriculture – long-distance, low-power LoRaWAN devices (perfect for many agriculture applications), were presented and shown monitoring various growth-related data on Thing+. This demonstration also showed the potential for automated control of irrigation and ventilation systems at farms via LoRaWAN class C and B devices, as well as more traditional Zigbee, BLE and wi-fi based devicesSmart Farm
  • Smart Building – finally, a solution for building monitoring and control using Thing+ was shown, accomplished through a variety of environment-sensing equipment, showing the temperature, humidity and air-quality data across a building being used for typical operations such as problem alarms and maintenance recommendationsSmart Building

At the beginning of the exhibition, Daliworks was also visited by VIPs including Mr.Min Wongi, Deputy Minister of Science and Technology. A short presentation showcasing some of the vertical solutions being built on Thing+, along with a showcase of our ecosystem partners, was given.

VIPs visiting the Daliworks booth

In addition, during the event, we hosted a number of interviews with leading industry magazines covering the current state of IOT in Korea and abroad, and how Daliworks intends to carve out our own niche in the ecosystem.

Director of Intl. Bizdev Leland Creswell giving a interview to Korea Industry Daily

More details about the event can be found on the official website, linked below.

References & Links:

Exhibition Link – http://www.iotweek.kr/2018/eng/main.asp


제조업 AIoT의 미래, AI 모터진단 서비스

오늘날 디지털 전환을 추구하는 기업에 있어 필수 기능은 인공지능(AI)과 머신러닝(ML)이라고 할 수 있습니다. 그렇다면 국내 기업들은 AI/ML 기술을 얼마나 어떻게 도입해 어떤 업무에 활용하고 있을까요? 또한 기업들이 가장 선호하는 AI/ML 기술은 무엇이고 그것을 통해 기업은 어떤 혜택을 누리고 있을까요?

IoT가 제조 현장을 얼마나 스마트하게 만드나

AI와 IoT의 융합인 지능형 사물인터넷은 기업의 디지털 전환과 맥을 같이 하면서 큰 관심을 불러 일으키고 있습니다. 또한 산업용 사물인터넷(IIoT)은 산업용 기계에 더 많은 자동화와 자체 모니터링을 도입함으로써 효율성을 높이고 있습니다. 이번 콘텐츠에서는 AIoT와 IIoT 기술이 일상 생활은 물론 제조 현장을 어떻게 바꾸어가고 있는 지 살펴보겠습니다.

IoT가 AI를 만나면 더 강력해지는 이유

AIoT를 채택하고 투자하는 소비자와 기업은 AIoT의 힘을 활용하고 경쟁 우위를 확보할 수 있습니다. IoT가 데이터를 수집하고 AI가 이를 분석해 스마트 행동을 시뮬레이션하고 최소한의 인간 개입으로 의사 결정 과정을 지원합니다. 그렇다면 IoT가 AI를 만나면 더 강력해지는 이유를 살펴보겠습니다.

도로나 하천의 원활한 배수를 위한 IoT 서비스

보건복지예산 증가 등으로 최근 도로 부문 건설 비용은 감소 추세에 있으나, 국민 안전을 위한 유지보수 비용은 지속적으로 증가하고 있습니다. 도로 관리에 충분한 재정 투자가 어려운 현실에서 도로 투자에 대한 과학적인 의사 결정 체계(자산 관리) 도입을 고려해야 할 때입니다. 도로의 안전을 확보하고 기능을 유지하기 위한 IoT 서비스에 대해 알아보겠습니다.


Daliworks Exhibits at IOT Week Korea 2018

Daliworks, Seoul, September. 17, 2018 – Last week, Daliworks presented Thing+ to exhibition attendees at IOT Week Korea 2018. Demonstrations of the platform in use were available, as well as specific examples of partner ecosystem hardware being deployed towards solutions in four distinct verticals.

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Partner GlobeTech Announces IOT Solutions Based on Thing+ in the Thai Market

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Tracknet and Daliworks Team up for AsiaPac Business

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